1. Introduction and Scope

1.1 Friends of Kagando (FoK) work indirectly with children and vulnerable adults through the work of Kagando Hospital, KARUDEC and other local charities and schools whom we support financially and through volunteer help.

1.2 ThisSafeguardingpolicyappliestoalltrustees,volunteersandhelpersoranyoneworking or volunteering on behalf of FoK. Commitments in terms of medical students on electives who pay their elective fee through FoK are defined within the policy.

1.3 Theaimofasafeguardingpolicyistoensureanorganisationunderstandsitsdutyto protect its beneficiaries, staff and volunteers, and operate in a safe and secure environment. Therefore, the purpose of this policy is:

  • to protect children, young people and vulnerable adults who attend FoK events
  • to provide volunteers and staff with the overarching principles that guide FoK’s approach to safeguarding and child protection.

1.4 The following definitions of “child” and “vulnerable adult” are used throughout this policy:

A child is under 18 years of age, in accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

A vulnerable adult is a person aged 18 years or over who, by reason of his/her ethnicity, gender, tribe, mental or other disability, age, illness or position may be unable to take care of him or herself, or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation.

1.5 WeadheretotheUNConventionontheRightsoftheChildandhaveasourstartingpoint as a definition of abuse, Article 19 which states:

“States Parties shall take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect the child from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse, while in the care of parent(s), legal guardian(s) or any other person who has the care of the child.”

Such protective measures should, as appropriate, include effective procedures for the establishment of social programmes to provide necessary support for the child and for those who have the care of the child, as well as for other forms of prevention and for identification, reporting, referral, investigation, treatment and follow-up of instances of child maltreatment described heretofore, and, as appropriate, for judicial involvement.

Also for adults the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with particular reference to Article 5 which states: “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”

2. Our commitment

2.1 AstrusteesofFriendsofKagandowerecognisetheneedforKARUDECandKagando Hospital to provide a safe and caring environment for children, young people and vulnerable adults. We acknowledge that children, young people and vulnerable adults can be the victims of physical, sexual and emotional abuse, and neglect. We accept the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant of Human Rights, which states that everyone is entitled to “all the rights and freedoms set forth therein, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status”. We also concur with the Convention on the Rights of the Child which states that children should be able to develop their full potential, free from hunger and want, neglect and abuse. They have a right to be protected from “all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse, while in the care of parent(s), legal guardian(s), or any other person who has care of the child.”

2.2  As trustees we are committed to build constructive links with statutory and voluntary agencies involved in safeguarding both in the UK and in Kagando.

2.3  We will have at all times an allocated Safeguarding Co-ordinator whose role will be as defined below.

3. Responsibilities and commitment with medical students

3.1  Wewillhelpstudentsandvolunteerstomitigatetherisksassociatedwithtravellingand working in Uganda by providing a document entitled ‘Visitors to Kagando – Information for Volunteers’. This document will contain basic information and advice for those travelling to and volunteering at Kagando. This document will be reviewed every 2 years. Students and volunteers will be made aware within the document of the limitations of this document including the changeable nature of travelling abroad. Furthermore, it will be clearly stated that the responsibility for decisions made whilst travelling to or volunteering at the hospital remains with the volunteer.

3.2  For medical students, to protect the safety of patients at the hospital, we require a certificate of good standing from their university to confirm that no safeguarding concerns have been raised or registered.

4. Working with other organisations

4.1 WhereFoKgivesgrantstootherorganisations,we will ask to see a copy of the safeguarding policy and be satisfied as to the organisation’s commitment to protecting their beneficiaries, staff and volunteers from any abuse.

5. Responding to an allegation of abuse

5.1  We will respond without delay to every complaint made that a child, young person or vulnerable adult, for whom we are responsible, may have been harmed by a trustee, volunteer, helper or anyone connected to FoK.

5.2  The person in receipt of allegations or suspicions of abuse should report concerns as soon as possible to the Safeguarding Co-ordinator.

5.3  Suspicions must not be discussed with anyone other than those nominated above. A written record of the concerns should be made in accordance with these procedures and kept in a secure place.

5.4  Whilst allegations or suspicions of abuse will normally be reported to the Safeguarding Co-ordinator, the absence of the Safeguarding Co-ordinator should not delay referral to the relevant authorities.

5.5  The Trustees will support the Safeguarding Co-ordinator in their role, and accept that any information they may have in their possession will be shared in a strictly limited way on a need to know basis.

5.6  The role of the Safeguarding Co-ordinator is to collate and clarify the precise details of the allegation or suspicion and pass this information on to statutory agencies who have a legal duty to investigate.

5.7 Where the allegation of abuse takes part in the work of one of Friends of Kagando’s partners (including but not limited to Kagando Hospital and KARUDEC) then the safeguarding policies and procedures of that organisation will take precedence. However, the trustees of FoK retain the right to obtain information of such abuse and investigations and/or ask for a further independent investigation to take place.

6. Allegations of abuse against a Friends of Kagando trustee or volunteer

6.1. If an accusation is made against a FoK trustee or volunteer whilst following the procedure outlined above, the Trustees will need to consider whether to suspend the trustee or volunteer whilst investigations take place. They may also be asked to resign.

6.2  In addition to this, consideration should be given to whether a referral should be made to the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) which manages the list of those people deemed unsuitable for working with children or vulnerable adults.

6.3  As an allegation of abuse against a child or vulnerable adult is rightly classified as a serious incident by the Charity Commission, the Chair of Trustees will have to immediately report any such allegations to the Charity Commission.

6.4  When visiting FoK projects, wherever possible, a trustee or volunteer of FoK should not be left alone with children or vulnerable adults, unless they have DBS clearance and the beneficiary organisation has cleared them to do so.

7. Supporting those affected by abuse

7.1 The Trustees are committed to offering pastoral care, working with statutory agencies as appropriate, and support to all those who have been affected by abuse who have contact with or are part of FoK.

8. Responding to an allegation of abuse

8.1  We will respond without delay to every complaint made that a child, young person or vulnerable adult, for whom we are responsible, may have been harmed by a trustee, volunteer, helper or anyone connected to FoK.

8.2  The person in receipt of allegations or suspicions of abuse should report concerns as soon as possible to the Safeguarding Co-ordinator.

8.3  Suspicions must not be discussed with anyone other than those nominated above. A written record of the concerns should be made in accordance with these procedures and kept in a secure place.

8.4  Whilst allegations or suspicions of abuse will normally be reported to the Safeguarding Co-ordinator, the absence of the Safeguarding Co-ordinator should not delay referral to the relevant authorities.

8.5  The Trustees will support the Safeguarding Co-ordinator in their role, and accept that any information they may have in their possession will be shared in a strictly limited way on a need to know basis.

8.6  The role of the Safeguarding Co-ordinator is to collate and clarify the precise details of the allegation or suspicion and pass this information on to statutory agencies who have a legal duty to investigate.

8.7  Where the allegation of abuse takes part in the work of one of Friends of Kagando’s partners (including but not limited to Kagando Hospital and KARUDEC) then the safeguarding policies and procedures of that organisation will take precedence. However, the trustees of FoK retain the right to obtain information of such abuse and investigations and/or ask for a further independent investigation to take place.

9. Allegations of abuse against a Friends of Kagando trustee or volunteer

9.1  If an accusation is made against a FoK trustee or volunteer whilst following the procedure outlined above, the Trustees will need to consider whether to suspend the trustee or volunteer whilst investigations take place. They may also be asked to resign.

9.2  In addition to this, consideration should be given to whether a referral should be made to the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) which manages the list of those people deemed unsuitable for working with children or vulnerable adults.

9.3  As an allegation of abuse against a child or vulnerable adult is rightly classified as a serious incident by the Charity Commission, the Chair of Trustees will have to immediately report any such allegations to the Charity Commission.

9.4  When visiting FoK projects, wherever possible, a trustee or volunteer of FoK should not be left alone with children or vulnerable adults, unless they have DBS clearance and the beneficiary organisation has cleared them to do so.

10. Supporting those affected by abuse

10.1 The Trustees are committed to offering pastoral care, working with statutory agencies as appropriate, and support to all those who have been affected by abuse who have contact with or are part of FoK.