Liz Lunn is walking again…
Liz Lunn writes:- One woman and a dog are walking again....this time to raise money for a new Xray machine at Kagando Hospital. It is a digital machine and will cost £87,000. Friends of Kagando have already set aside £55,000, so £32,000 is still needed. I intend to walk 87 [...]
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) needs refurbishment
Dear friends, Welcome to our September update on the impact your generous contributions have made in supporting the care of sick children at Kagando Hospital. Under the dedicated leadership of Nurse Jones, the children’s ward has continued to provide crucial care. In August alone there were 107 admissions, with children [...]
C100 fundraising – update
C100 is a scheme started in 2015 to subsidise the cost of treatment for children at Kagando hospital. We have about 70 regular donors, topped up by one off gifts and fund-raising initiatives, and are able to send £4000 each month. This is amazing, and we are extremely grateful to [...]
Flood relief reaches affected areas from Kagando
The following report comes from Sr Rita Miller who has been raising funds for flood relief and channelling these through Kagando and Rwenzori Women for Health (RWFH) to reach affected people. When there’s hunger and barely any food to eat, and the dirty river water can make you sick [...]
Floods in Kasese District
News came yesterday (9th May) of terrible landslides in the Kasese area around Kagando caused by 12 hours of very heavy rain. So far we know of 13 people who have died, including 3 children in one family when their house collapsed under the force of the landslide. At lease [...]
X Ray Machine
The X Ray machine at Kagando has done sterling work for many years but is now reaching the end of its life. As you can imagine, without access to X rays diagnosis and management of patients, particularly with bone injuries or chest problems, becomes much more difficult. In addition it [...]
We are looking for a new Treasurer
We are looking for a new Treasurer for Friends of Kagando. Anna has been doing a brilliant job for several years, but it is time for her to move on. Ideally this person would be an accountant – possibly recently retired and looking for a new project !! Anna says [...]
Lorna completes her fund-raising trip
Lorna Williams is raising money for C100 which supports the fees for children admitted to Kagando hospital. She has now completed her ambitious objective of reaching the summit of Margherita Peak in the Rwenzori mountains then cycling for 2 weeks in southern Uganda. Lorna says 2 big glaciers, needing [...]
Update on Lorna’s sponsored trek
Lorna Williams from Herefordshire is about to embark on a challenging expedition in Uganda. She will be cycling for 13 days then trekking for 8 days to reach the top of Peak Marguerita in the Rwenzori mountains, very close to Kagando. This photo shows her training in Glencoe. Despite being [...]
Chairman’s letter, Feb 2024 (click at bottom to see 2nd page!)
Click to view the PDF.
Visit of Canon Uzziah and Penninah
We were delighted to welcome Canon Uzziah, Executive director of Kagando Hospital, and his wife Penninah to the UK in October. They had a busy two weeks, visiting friends in Derby, Hereford and Guildford then down to London for some sight-seeing, shopping. It was very special that they were able [...]
Help support Lorna with fundraising
Please support Lorna - she lives near us and is planning to undertake this challenge for C100 in March 2024. Dr Oli Penney "Based in Herefordshire, I have recently retired from a lifetime in nursing, throughout my career I had the desire to work in Africa or where basic [...]
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