Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’ Matt 19 v 14.
The children’s ward can be a very busy place. There are 53 beds, but if bed occupancy goes over 100% the extras are fitted in! Jan – April seems to be the busiest time of year, with high levels of admission for malaria, often complicated by anaemia. Other common (and often overlapping) causes of admission are malnutrition, pneumonia, typhoid and other infections. Children with disabilities are at particularly high risk.
C100 is a project set up nearly 10 years ago by Liz Lunn, one the trustees. When she visits Kagando Liz always spends time on the ward, talking to the staff and hearing the stories of the families in their care. The staff reported that fewer children were being admitted because families in this poor rural area could not afford the cost of treatment. C100 aims to have 100 supporters (currently 60) making monthly donations to support the work of the hospital by capping the fees paid by families of sick children. The families pay a flat-rate fee (which is gradually increasing), but most courses of treatment cost more than this. Regular input from C100 allows the hospital to cover most of the extra cost. We would dearly love to be able to send more each month to enable the hospital to reduce the fee.
See the News section of the website for information about Liz’s fund-raising activities, and consider whether you could be one of the 100 sponsors for C100. It is an initiative very much appreciated by the local community.

Worrying time for mother