The Laboratory is impressively clean and modern, with high tech machines and a certificate to show it is approved to carry out a wide range of diagnostic procedures.
Haematology, Biochemistry and Microbiology testing is available, including HIV and TB diagnosis, and the first cases of Aspergillosis were found here in 2019 with Lateral flow tests. Blood is stored here for transfusion; at the moment it is not collected locally but has to be sent from Fort Portal. One major difference from the UK is that tests (except for TB and HIV) need to be paid for which can be a problem.
The Xray department is kept busy, mainly with Chest Xrays, but also broken bones and abdominal problems. There is also an ultrasound machine which is invaluable for maternity cases as well as for assessing kidney and liver abnormalities and soft tissues injuries and infections. Patients needing CT or MRI scans can be sent to Mbarara University Hospital (about 3 hours drive) or to Kampala. Sometimes they return with a report, but sometimes with just the actual pictures – which can be quite a challenge to interpret. The cost involved in a referral like this makes it inaccessible for many patients.