The hospital is a great place to experience medicine in an African setting.

Dom, a medical student from Australia wrote “- I would thoroughly recommend the elective. It was a life changing experience and I think Kagando Hospital is the perfect environment to have your elective placement. The learning, the unforgettable cases, the generous staff, wonderful and welcoming people are all a part of this invaluable experience. “

The hospital is in a beautiful setting – you can see the Rwenzori mountains over the valley. There are wonderful opportunities to visit game parks to see wildlife – the nearest is the Queen Elizabeth National Park about half an hour away.

Students of Medicine, Nursing, Midwifery, Physiotherapy and allied professions are all welcome at Kagando.


The day normally starts at about 830 after chapel. You work alongside a junior  doctor and are under the overall supervision of the medical supervisor. You normally rotate through different wards such as medicine, surgery, obstetrics and paediatrics . There is plenty of opportunity to go on outreach programmes such as the Ruwenzori Women which run clinics in the villages.

There are regular clinical sessions at least once a week which you are welcome at.

You will be welcome whatever your faith but you are expected to respect the Christian ethos. All students are expected to attend morning chapel which marks the start of each working day.

During their stay many students will also take the opportunity to go a way for a weekend to see and experience some of the beauty spots of Uganda.

There are opportunities for students to get involved in other aspects of hospital life such as football, bible studies, walking in the villages or  visiting the local markets.

There is a one off fee of £100 which is (paid to the compassion fund ) and a  £100 a week which covers accommodation and food. This fee does not include

  • Cost of travel from Kampala (approximately £150 – £170 for a taxi which can be shared).
  • Insurance
  • Cost of accommodation in Kampala

How to Apply

If you are interested then have a look at the link below for more detailed information and then contact  Dr Oli Penney at . He is a Trustee for Friends of Kagando in the UK .

For nursing students please contact Sister Rita Miller on

More Information

View the PDF for more information.

John, a medical student from Sheffield with two local Doctors
Swiss student Ele on the children’s ward
Aussie Student Dom out and about
Swedish student at the rainbow room